Taking on the Coast to Coast

Coast to Coast Challenge

Coast to Coast. 153 miles. 3 Days. 2 wheels. 1 amazing charity.

In just three days’ time a team from Direct2U, supported by Pandion Cycling, will be taking on their toughest challenge yet – a three day bike ride from coast to coast. The 12 man team includes Peter Hargreaves, Neil Higgitt, Greg Higgitt, Paul Mainprice and Charlie Hargreaves from Direct2U.

The Coast to Coast challenge came about during a meeting we held to think of ways we could increase our support for our chosen charity Promise Dreams. At Direct2U we decided a few years ago to support a charity as a way of giving back to our community, and we came across a wonderful local charity called Promise Dreams.

Who are Promise Dreams and What do they do?

Watch our team video to see why they are taking on this challenge and why it means so much:

Promise Dreams help children with life limiting and life debilitating conditions. The charity has a small team of staff who make the dreams of these children come true. A dream can be anything from life changing equipment, to creating memories with family and friends that can be treasured forever. Every penny we raise goes to Promise Dreams. They are able to track this so that we can know which children the money we raise goes to and how it changes their lives.

Since then we donate £1 for every order placed through our Wheelie Bin and Locker websites. And every year we take part in Promise Dreams’s annual events such as Walk for Dreams, Golf Days and their fabulous Gala Dinner. But we wanted to do more.

How we decided to do more…

Ideas bounced around the room including family fun days, a football match although most people wanted to play in goal, and even a karaoke challenge (which we were glad to put off for a rainy day). This was until Peter suggested doing the Coast to Coast challenge, cycling all the way from Whitehaven to Tynemouth.

Straight away many of the group were keen to take on the challenge. However, some need a little bit of convincing. To put this challenge into perspective we had a few keen cyclists in the group, although they hadn’t taken on anything this big before. The rest, well, whilst they enjoy playing tennis and golf a few times a week, had done very little cycling and even less road cycling. A few months went by whilst they dwelt on the idea of the Coast to Coast, and then they decided to go for! To sign up for the challenge before it was too late and anyone could back out.

So, challenge all set, paper work done and a start date agreed. What next? Perhaps it was time to buy a bike. There have been many debates in the canteen as to whether a mountain bike, road bike or hybrid would be best. It took a while, and in some cases a few purchases, before all were happy with their gear. Fortunately, we had Pandion Cycling, who have supported us on this venture, on hand to answer any questions and suggest the best type of equipment needed for a ride of this scale.

Time to start training for the Coast to Coast…

The group’s commitment to the Coast to Coast challenge has never diminished. Of course, there have been days when they have really had to face the reality of the ride and think carefully about whether they are fit enough to take it on and if old injuries withstand the test. After all, it is no mean feat for even the fittest of cyclists.

Out at 6 am every morning for the last month they’re now ready for it! They’ve increased their distance and speed every time they got on the saddle. With gradual progress they have all made it through and feel ready for the challenge ahead. Ploughing the Clent hills and covering 10% of Everest has put them in a good place for this weekend.

Coast to Coast Collage

The time has come…

It’s now a few days’ rest and a bit of carb bulking before they make the journey to Newcastle-upon-Tyne. It’s here that they will set up camp before being taken to the start in Whitehaven. The ride then consists of a climb up the Pennine mountains that over the years has tested even the most experienced of rides, climbing to an altitude of just under 2000 feet over a 10 mile stretch.This will of course test the team to their limits. But with their sheer determination and the support from everyone who has sponsored them so far, they will reach the top of the mountain climb. From then is a descent and a bit more of a pleasant ride to their destination Tynemouth in days later.

A huge heartfelt thank you for everyone who has sponsored our team so far, your money will make such a difference for a few children and their families.

We’ve almost reached our goal of £1000, but are still a few hundred pounds short. We would really like to smash this target, so if you feel you can donate and sponsor our team please do here: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/team/pandioncycling

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