Celebrating Earth Day 2024!

Celebrating Earth Day 2024

What is Earth Day?🌍

On 22nd April, we celebrate Earth Day “as a reminder of the importance of environmental conservation & sustainability”. On this day, we can take the opportunity to come together and act towards a healthier planet. To improve the environment today, and to give generations to come a greener world, as there is no planet B!

How can I Contribute to Help the Environment?💭

With many options available, there are many ways for everyone to get involved with Earth Day!

Whether it is volunteering you’re interested in, or simply making your vote count. All help is needed to make a big difference. In the hope that by 2050 there will be more plastic in the oceans than there are fish (earthday.org). In this case, big, or small any help towards this can make a change.

📝Sign the Global Plastic Treaty Petition to make a difference today!

As part of Earth Day, we want to push the commitment towards ending plastics, with demands for 60% reduction of production by 2040. Read below to find out more about the impact of plastics!

Earth day 2024

Earth Day Spring Savings!🚴

At Direct2U, for Earth Day our focus is on helping people convert to cycling for commuting. This may be to work, school or to the shops & back! That’s why we are offering an extra 10% OFF our best-selling Cycle Shelters this spring season!

Specialist Shelters

Undeniably, we feature a large range of cycle shelters, storing between 6-12 bikes, with larger compounds also available. Our customer favourite is the Fortis Cycle Shelter! Moving on, this cycle shelter is UK Manufactured to the highest quality, to last all springs to come!

This spring, we want to make sure you are summer cycle ready. That’s why we are including FREE CYCLE HOOPS worth £73.70! Giving you a huge spring saving with an extra 10% off, add ‘SPRING10’ at checkout. We understand summer is the prime time to get everyone involved in cycling to work, that’s why we offer fast and free UK delivery!

Check Out our best-sellers here!

Cycle to Work Scheme

Invest in a Cycle Shelter, for perfect storage to keep bikes secure at workplaces, schools, public areas & much more! Cycle-to-work schemes have become increasingly popular to encourage greener commuting. With many unquestionable benefits, including physical and mental health and environmental benefits, as well as reducing your costs! There is no reason you wouldn’t want to get involved this Earth Day!

Specialising in large projects and offer free site visits to understand the requirements for your space! We are there every step of the way and can offer installation for an additional fee!

Finally, if you want to find out more, check out our latest blog here for everything you need to know!

Tackle your Recycling♻️

As bin collection day looms, we know it can be hectic to sort your rubbish with little organisation. That’s where our TUFF Wheelie Bins are up for the job! They are available in 4 different sizes including 50, 120, 240 and 360 litres, to suit every household requirement. Especially ideal for additional waste storage, and for clear organisation of your waste to recycle.

Typically, the colour of the wheelie bins indicates their use… Let’s run through the colour range we offer!

  • Red wheelie bin: Generally, chosen by councils to collect mixed recyclable waste. Includes plastics, paper, cardboard, aluminium, and glass.
  • Green wheelie bin: Ideal for gardening and outdoor projects. Another key point is that the councils generally provide these for garden waste collection bins
  • Dark grey wheelie bin: Our best-seller is ideal for general waste and meets council approval for collection
  • Blue wheelie bin: This is common amongst households and commercial business recycling waste. This includes items like paper, card, drinks and food cans.
  • Yellow wheelie bin: Typically used by hospitals, GP surgeries, or health centres for clinical waste.

Day-to-Day Changes You Can Make!🌱

Ultimately, helping the environment can become part of your daily routine no matter how small of a change. As everyone has busy lives, we recognise not everyone will have the time to volunteer. Surprisingly, daily changes play a big part towards the overall goal for a more sustainable world. To begin with, let’s run through some easy changes you and your family can make!

Upcycle your Clothes & Shop Sustainable👕

In reality, there are 100 billion garments made annually, with 87% ending up in landfills! Fast fashion is a large cause of this. Specifically, because fashion styles are in and out so quickly, many want to get rid! Therefore, if you can make a conscious effort to upcycle your clothes or shop sustainably, this is great for the environment! Additionally, you can re-sell your clothes and buy and donate at charity shops. Marketplaces like vinted, will give you money back for your items. In any event, this gives your clothes another life outside of landfill!

Exploring Plastic Alternatives🥤

Above all, there are easy ways to change your daily habits for a greener future! Simple things like reusing your coffee cup will reduce waste in the environment. Besides this, single-use water bottles are damaging to the environment. It is an easy change to use a refillable water bottle to do your part for the environment.

Equally, with the change from plastic to paper straws metal straws have made a breakthrough. Drinkable, you can wash and reuse as often as you would like. As a result, they won’t go soggy or become rubbish! Given that in the ocean, there are 14 million tonnes of polypropylene (from plastic straws), or 3.7% of total plastic waste, any positive change is important.

Vaping & Smoking🚬

Generally, we often overlook smoking and vaping. Without a doubt, this greatly impacts the environment due to constant littering.

Certainly, rechargeable vapes are more suitable for the environment as you can reuse them. To compare, users purchase 14 million single use vapes each month. Currently, these users dispose of a shocking 1.3 million single use vapes each week in the UK! Furthermore, many users do not dispose of these vapes correctly. Incorrect disposal of vapes can release plastic, electronical and hazardous chemical waste into the environment (The Lancet).

In contrast, small but deadly, cigarette butts are a form of plastic waste. With around 4.5 trillion individual butts polluting the global environment. In truth, many often end up in canals, lakes and the ocean, with the rest littering streets and wildlife areas. Disposing of these cigarette butts correctly, helps the environment and even help prevent wildfires.

Speak to Our Specialists🏅

Lastly, don’t hesitate to contact our friendly sales team today, to find out how we can help you make the change! We offer no-obligation free quotes and site visits! Above all, our team can get you the very best deal with our price match promise!

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