Cycling News

Bike Week 2016 – The Daily Commute

  The annual event of Bike Week is upon us and gives us the opportunity to promote cycling and show easily you can integrate cycling into your everyday life. This year’s event has a focus on encouraging people to cycle to work or even just to the local shop and visiting friends. To find an event near you visit the bike week website to find out more! Events you can get involved in include: Ride Active; fun and social cycling putting your skills to the test. Discover Cycling; where free information is available for choosing and riding a bike, maintenance… Read more

Borris’ Cycle Superhighway Breakthrough

Today it has been decided that Boris Johnson’s cycle superhighway can pass in front of Buckingham Palace. The issue has been debated for the past 6 months resulting in a stand off between The Royal Parks and City Hall. Today is has finally been resolved with a consultation ongoing on how to create the two way, segregated route in front of the Queen Victoria Memorial. The hold up was due to fears that the 300m gap between Constitution Hill and Birdcage Walk left cyclists without any protection from vehicles. The newly appointed chief executive of The Royal Parks has been… Read more

Top Tips for 1st Time Cycling Commuters

Ever considered cycling to work? Thought about it but not got round to it? Cycle to Work Day is on 3rd September this year – which gives you plenty of time to get sorted! This years ‘Cycle to Work Day’ is fast approaching and we know lots of you want to get involved. If you’ve not cycled to work before or during rush hour periods, we thought we’d give our top tips for first timers. Particularly if you work in London you will have felt the effects of the recent tube strikes – don’t let these setbacks hold you up,… Read more

Cycling Safety: The Facts

Cycling Safety activists are calling on the Government to address the danger of HGV’s to the safety of women cyclists in London. Statistics show that after to success of the 2012 Olympics, around 250,000 women were inspired by the likes of Laura Trott and Victoria Pendleton to get in the saddle and start cycling. The tragic death of six women who collided with lorry’s when cycling has highlighted the issue of Britain needing to up their cycling safety game. As a nation we are far behind with the cycle-friendliness of our cities, in particular London. Last Thursday statistics from the… Read more