cycle safety

Why should You Wear a Helmet?

cycle safety - why wear a helmet

Many of us are guilty of riding a bicycle without wearing full protection but are you truly aware of the risks? The romantic notion of feeling the wind blowing through our hair as you ride through the countryside on a hot summers day, is there anything like it? It may be a great feeling but you are putting yourself in danger for very little benefit. Maybe consider these things every time you hop in the saddle: Is the risk worth it? Even the most experienced riders can have crashes; this is usually due to the more experienced you become, the… Read more

10 Things You Should Know Before Starting To Cycling

1. Highway Code It pays to know your rights, responsibilities and the law before you start cycling and get into trouble. As tedious as it is to read and research it could save your life! You can find the highway code online or in paperback form, there currently (2017) are 23 rules; specifically, for cyclists. Rules include but are not limited to road junction, roundabouts & crossing the road. Also don’t forget to read through the ‘you & your bicycle’ section. 2. Keeping Safe Always ensure you are safe when cycling top tips for cycling on road are: Follow the… Read more

Staying Safe When Cycling in the Winter

  Winter is the time of year when the clocks go back resulting in darker mornings and evenings. It’s a notorious time for accidents as visibility is low. So how can you ensure you’re staying safe during your winter commute. Be Seen The best way to be seen is by having large reflective patches on you and your bike. Visibility for motorists is dramatically reduced in the winter the more visible you can make yourself the better. High visibility vests, reflective sashes and high visibility clothing are brilliant examples of increasing your visibility. Paired these with lights on you bicycle…. Read more

Top 10 cycle maintenance tips for cycling to work

Cycle Shelter VS Cycle Compound

After the success of Bike Week 2016 last week, with summer on its way and more people taking part in cycle to work week initiatives, we thought we would share our top 10 cycle maintenance tips for cycling to work. These tips should be carried out weekly with some checks such as on your brakes, tyres and helmets every time you get on your bike. These top tips are an easy way to get into the habit of checking your bicycle regularly. Check your tyres Do your tyres have the right pressure? Having the right pressure will reduce your risk… Read more