Biking to Work – The New Commute

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It would be an understatement to say the way that we work has changed in the last year. Tens of thousands of us were forced to make the leap to working from home, and many of us have never gone back.

With the work from home phenomenon here to stay for a lot of employees, it has had many knock on effects. Perhaps the biggest of all these being the changes to the daily commute. Many people might only need to travel into work a few times a week.

With this changes comes a new opportunity for a different kind of commute. If employees only need to be in a few times a week they might now be far more inclined to adopt biking to work!

Bike Commute to work

Commuting by bike has been growing in popularity for many years but now is an excellent opportunity for employers to encourage their staff. Simply by installing some cycle storage, employers can make biking to work a possibility for their staff.

Biking to work has a few obvious advantages. It is a more cost effective and environmentally friendly way to commute. It’s also a great way get exercise during the week.

At Direct2U we have a huge number of bike storage solutions available. This ranges from cycle racks up to cycle shelters and compounds for storing more than 20 bikes at once.

Fortis Cycle Shelter

Cycle Racks & Shelters

Even on their own, Cycle Racks can be a great way to provide a safe place to leave a bicycle. They are made from high quality steel and when paired with a bike lock, help keep bike safe and secure when left unattended. They are a very versatile solution. Choose anything from a single bike rack, up to a 20 plus capacity rack.

To further enhance your bike parking, just add a shelter. This is a great way to also keep bikes covered to make sure employees can commute in all weather conditions.

For any assistance choosing the right bike parking for your commuters, get in touch. Our sales team are on hand to help you find the perfect solution.

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