Author Archive: direct2u

Is Derby the New Cycle Home?

Top British cycling boss Ian Drake has praised Derby’s city council for being a true flagship for how an informed and motivated local authority can make a real change to cycling and participation. Drake believes Derby could become the next “cycling medal factory” due to the hard work and councils influence to get young people on bikes not just for fun but for travel too. He also commended the council on their involvement with British Cycling’s Go-Ride programme where staff go into schools to provide coaching and racing sessions for Cyclo-Cross and grass track. Secretary of Derby Cycling Club, Dave… Read more

NEW Request an Online Quote

New Online Quote Feature A shiny new addition to our website is the ‘Request an Online Quote’ feature. We understand that looking for quotes can be a time consuming and daunting task and we have found many of our customers don’t have the time to call us up for a quote and would prefer something quicker and easier. Viola! We present to you the quickest and most effective way to get your cycle shelter quote. All the usual information is required such as name, email and address etc. The quote link can be found in the header which features on… Read more

Cycling is Cool – Hooray!

According to an article published by BBC Sport, cycling is now deemed as the ‘new golf’. Figures show that golf participation has fallen dramatically recently, cycling has grown substantially. Many people have put two and two together and put the growth of cycling down to people putting down their golf clubs and getting on a bike instead. Sport England’s figures suggest that sales of cycling related gifts will rocket this Christmas. Results found that there were more than two million adults cycling at least once a week between April 2013 and April 2014 compared 710,400 taking to the golf course…. Read more

New Award for UK Mountain Biking | Cycling

Scottish, Welsh and British Cycling have teamed up to create a UK wide Mountain Bike Leadership scheme. The award qualifies bikers to lead groups of people on mountain bike rides spanning a variety of terrains. As Welsh, Scottish and British cycling move to strengthen mountain bike leadership across the UK, the delivery of the award will make a gradual switch over to the new UK Mountain Bike Leadership Awards over the following 12 months. Jim Riach the corporate services manager at Scottish Cycling and founder member of the Scottish Mountain Bike Leadership Awards answers some questions about the new scheme:… Read more