10 Things You Should Know Before Starting To Cycling

  • 1. Highway Code

    It pays to know your rights, responsibilities and the law before you start cycling and get into trouble. As tedious as it is to read and research it could save your life!
    You can find the highway code online or in paperback form, there currently (2017) are 23 rules; specifically, for cyclists. Rules include but are not limited to road junction, roundabouts & crossing the road.

    Also don’t forget to read through the ‘you & your bicycle’ section.

    2. Keeping Safe

    Always ensure you are safe when cycling top tips for cycling on road are:

      • Follow the highway code
      • Ensure you can be seen
      • Be aware of vehicles
      • Take cycle training
      • Plan your journey before you set off

      3. Bike Maintenance

      Keeping on top of bike maintenance is important if you frequently use a bicycle. The reason being is so that you know your mode of transport is fit for use.

      Regular checks include:

      • Cleaning your bike
      • Daily Checks – wheels & brakes, tyres, valves, gears, bolts
      • Use your bike

      4. Take a Repair Kit

      Being caught out without a repair kit can be the trickiest situation, depending on how far you are away from home or your destination. This could result in carrying your bicycle home depending on the issue you have.
      A bicycle repair kit should include:

      • Patches
      • Metal levers
      • Abrasive tool/grater
      • Rubber cement
      • Chalk & marker crayon

        5. Wear a Helmet

        Campaigners in the UK have petitioned for years to force a legislation to make cyclist wearing a helmet mandatory. The health benefits of wearing a helmet far outweigh the risks of not wearing one.

      Key facts as stated by Cycling UK:

      1. Enforced helmet laws have increased the proportion of cyclists wearing helmets (in New Zealand)
      2. Standards of cycle helmets are only designed to withstand certain impacts. Moving at higher speeds and forces would require a heavier duty helmet
      3. Cycling contributes for 7-8% of head injuries for children admitted to English hospitals, a quarter of these injuries are to locations which could have been protected by a helmet.

      6. Bike Locks

      A cycle lock is an essential item if you plan to leave your bicycle safe and secure. There is an extensive range out there to choose from, the most common is a combination lock or a D lock, around the frame and or one wheel of the bicycle.

      7. Clean your bike

      Keeping your bicycle free from dirt and grime will not only look more attractive but will also ensure your brake pads are not obstructed, resulting in effective stopping every time you press the lever. Cleaning your chain can also prevent it from snapping.

      8. Make yourself visible

      There are several ways to make you more visible on the roads. To ride legally whilst between sunset and sunrise, your cycle must feature an approved white front light and rear red light. Flashing lights at the rear, will draw attention to cyclists better than a steady light whereas a steady light at the front will help you see obstacles better.

      By law cycles must be fitted with front and rear reflectors, this is then coupled up with reflective clothing. Reflective clothing can range from green or yellow over jackets, reflective arm or ankle bands and much much more.

      Road positioning is also very important to keeping yourself seen by other road users. Riding towards the middle of your lane not only makes you more visible to drivers pulling out of junctions but also to drivers parked on the roadside.

      9. Ensure your phone is fully charged

      Having your phone fully charged can be advantageous, if you break down or get into an accident then anyone that you need to contact is easily accessible.

      10. Make friends

      Importantly make friends, don’t just commute join a cycling club or group. This will help you meet other people who love cycling too. You will also be able to find new leisure routes to take and get hints and tips from the best people; people who actually cycle.

      Src: Staying Visible

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