How To Use Sit Stand Desks Correctly:

Height Adjustable Desk Calculator Height Adjustable Desk Calculator Height Adjustable Desk Calculator

Sit Stand / Height Adjustable Desks are becoming more and more popular. It’s a simple idea – the less time you spend sitting down the lower the potential health risks. Not only are these desks great for allowing users to stand, it also allows users to alter their seating positions. By being able to adjust desk height users can be comfortable all day long. Another advantage of height adjustable desks, is that as an employer one size will fit all. Buying a regular desk will mean that the shortest employee and the tallest employee must use the same height desk. This can often lead to aches and pains and general discomfort.

Setting your desk upHeight Adjustable Office Desks

When adjusting your desk getting the correct height for you when standing is simple. 
Use our calculator to work out how high your desk should be per your height or follow these 4 easy steps:

1. Stand up straight with shoulders back and head towards the ceiling
2. Hold your arms by your sides in a relaxed position and then bend them to 90 degrees
3. Adjust the desk height so that your fingers gently touch the keyboard keys
4. Alter the height of monitors so that your eyes are in line with the top of the monitor

Height adjustable desk top tips

Here are some other things you should bear in mind with your height adjustable desk:

  • The height of your shoes may change the height your desk will be comfortable for you.  If you wear high heels some days and flat shoes 
    the next, a height adjustable desk with height memory controls would be a good investment. This will save time trying to find a comfortable height everyday.
  • Most of the time when working on computers, our eyes are spent looking at the top-left section of our monitors. In which case, we need our eye height to be at the top of the screen. If your monitors aren’t on arms, consider getting stands or even propping them up on packs of 
    printer paper.
  • If you feel your desk needs to be lower than the 90-degree arm angle that is fine. However, it is important not to set it higher than the 
    90-degree guide as this can be damaging to your wrist, shoulders and elbows.

Neck and back care

As mentioned previously, the height of the monitors is important. Your eye line should rest in the top 1/3 or 1/4 of the screen. This helps reduce any strain on the eyes and stops you needing to tilt your head. The distance between you and your monitors is also important. Ideally, there needs to be a gap of around 24 inches between your eyes and the screen.

If you find that you need to alter monitor height in between standing and seating positions, check your back alignment and posture is correct. Generally, if monitors need to be changed it means that you may be slouching in one position.

Leg care

It’s a good idea to get a standing mat or ergonomic mat if you’re planning on standing for long periods of time. This can help take some of the stress off your legs and back. Shoes are also worth thinking about. Are you wearing shoes that will be comfortable for a few hours standing? Are they supportive? Shoes with cushioned soles are recommended over shoes with little support.