Wheelie Bins Direct2U News

Global Recycling Day! 🌍

Global Recycling Day

Every year on March 18th, we globally celebrate Recycling Day. This day is perfect for educating others and promoting the importance of recycling. Each year emphasis is made on how the world needs to change. In 2022, the recycling rate for households in the UK was 43.4% dropping almost 1% from the previous year. This means that we need to raise more awareness and work harder than ever to increase this number. At Direct2u, we have a wide range of bins to ensure you can separate your waste, and ensure you are recycling efficiently. What can you do this year?… Read more

The benefits of waste disposal over the Christmas period🎁

The benefits of waste disposal over Christmas

Over Christmas, waste increases significantly per household. With large amounts of food and present packaging being thrown away, it is important that what can be recycled is correctly separated and disposed of appropriately. Commonly, over Christmas, wrapping paper is thrown away in large quantities in the incorrect waste bins. This makes it harder for waste collection centres and damages the environment. Benefits of recycling: Tips for recycling at Christmas: Take a look at Santa’s waste disposal wish list!👀 Need some help with waste segregation? We can help this Christmas! We have multiple storage options to help you keep your general… Read more

How you can Contribute to Earth Day 2024?

How can you contribute to earth day 2024?

Celebrating Earth Day🌍 Let’s celebrate Earth Day! This week marks the importance of environmental conservation and sustainability. This day allows us to come together and form new habits towards a greener planet. Ways you can help towards Earth Day this week💭 Luckily, there are ways for everyone to get involved in earth day! It could be volunteering, voting towards change or even everyday changes to routine for a better environment. The ambition is that by 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean. This is a scary thought, therefore all changes work towards making a big difference…. Read more

Global Recycling Day – Tips to Recycle!

Global recycling day- tips to recycle

What is Global Recycling Day? The Global Recycling Day began in 2018 to help recognise and celebrate the importance recycling plays in preserving our resources. To secure a greener future for the planet, we have looked into the top tips for recycling. The day is a reminder of the mission to tell world leaders that it is taken seriously, and to ask people across the globe to consider the planet as a resource we have to manage and nurture! You can get involved using the hashtag #RecyclingHeroes! Top Tips to Recycle like a pro! Segregate waste with colours🎨 Our wheelie… Read more