Do you know your fire escape route?

A common risk in many workplaces and buildings is not having a sufficient amount of signage to show the correct fire escape route through a building. There is nothing worse or more worrying than a fire breaking out and employees not knowing where to go, which route to take and where a safe meeting point is once out of the building.

Another common risk is leaving fire doors open by using heavy items and often fire extinguishers. This increases the spread of a fire. Fire doors are designed to be kept shut and to contain a fire for up to 60 minutes allowing more time for people to escape. One reason that fire doors may be left open is because they have not clearly been marked as a fire door which must be kept closed at all times.

How can you be prepared in the event of a fire?

  1. Make sure you have previously identified the fire hazards and people at risk.
  2. Observe where you can take fire precautions. For instance, you can install fire doors, keep fire extinguishers to hand, create safe escape routes and ensure there is sufficient signage and emergency lighting to guide people from the building.
  3. Make sure that there are no exits blocked by goods or storage.
  4. Make sure all fire doors can be opened easily and that they are not locked from the inside.

What is a Fire Escape and Evacuation Plan?

An evacuation plan must clearly mark all possible escape routes from the building and meeting points which are a safe distance away. All workplaces should have evacuation or escape routes in place in case of a fire on the premises.

A fire plan must show you how:

  1. There is a clear passage way to all escape routes
  2. Clearly marked escape routes which are as short and direct as possible
  3. Enough exits and routes to accommodate the number of people to escape
  4. Emergency doors marked clearly and that open easily
  5. Emergency lighting where needed
  6. A safe meeting point for staff and visitors
  7. You have trained all employees to know and use the escape routes available

Here are some examples of the types of fire escape signage you might need.


1610_Fire-door-keep-shut 1606_Fire-exit-keep-clear

1035_Fire-Wardens 1009_FIre_Extinguisher_Keep_Clear

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