Author Archive: direct2u

The Importance of Cleaning Signage

The importance of cleaning signage

Cleaning signage and maintenance barriers are a part of our everyday life. From a young age they become very recognisable signs. The barriers come in many guises. I bet that you will have seen them all; from the traditional A-Frame sign, to large yellow maintenance barriers and door way signs. The next time you go to the shopping centre or supermarket look around you, and you are bound to see some in use. It’s their frequency of use that can sometimes mean they are taken for granted or ignored. The signs can go into our sub-conscious, therefore we don’t pay… Read more

Assessing Hazards at Work [HSE Reg & Case Studies]

Assessing Hazards at Work

Hazards and risks in the workplace can be effectively managed, if identified correctly. Having appropriate first aid provisions as well as adequate training helps reduce the risks of accidents & illnesses, but only if employers and employees do the homework. Identifying and assessing your workplace means including these 5 factors in your assessment: Hazards – with the help of a general risk assessment and list of different workplace activities Employees – number of employees, level of experience and existing health issues Accidents & ill-health records – monitor past accidents and note how & where they occurred Working arrangements – day… Read more

British Standard Compliant (BSi) First Aid Kits

BSi Compliant First Aid Kits

Accidents and illnesses can happen in the workplace, however low the risks. It does not matter whether the injury or illness is work-related. Employers should ensure that the adequate resources are available in case that happens, as it can prevent the aggravation of minor injuries and can help save lives! This blog post aims to list out the required size and contents of a first aid kit depending on differing factors from business to business. Why a Standard for First Aid Kits? Health and Safety Regulations help employers by setting standards to comply to, ensuring the adequate and appropriate first aid… Read more

Storing First Aid Supplies at Work: The Essentials

Providing adequate and appropriate first aid equipment is a legal requirement at work, according to HSE. In fact, making sure the right supplies are available in the right amount is the first step towards a healthier & safer workplace. Before figuring out how you will be storing first aid supplies, make sure you have assessed your needs. When carrying out an assessment of first aid needs, employers must consider several factors: The number of employees and pre-existing medical conditions Current work-related hazards and risks Location, size, and design of work areas Number of visitors and non-employees These points help determine… Read more