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Creativity: 10 ways to improve yours

Ways to Boost Creativity

Create Creativity – 10 tips for enhancing your workplace Creativity is vital in all companies. Every business and organisation is full of forward thinking people. Ultimately. creativity is vital for higher engagement levels, happiness and innovative ideas. It has become more and more important for employers to encourage creativity through incentives and schemes. Ideas include break out zones equipped with games such as ping pong or pool tables. On the other hand, take the opposite approach and opt for quiet zones that provoke creative thinking. Meanwhile, other employers establish a creativity culture by encouraging staff to learn new skills. Many… Read more

Christmas Opening Times

It’s been a busy year for Direct2U! We look back at everything that we have accomplished in 2016, including the release of our very first Product Catalogue, and the launch of our Shelving and Matting websites! It’s hard to believe that this year is already coming to an end. We would like to thank everyone who visits our Office Furniture Direct2U website. We look forward to another day of improving your shopping experience! We have got a lot planned for this year so watch this space! Like everyone, we are excited about this break and the holiday season! Our offices will be… Read more

Top 10: DIY Office Christmas Decoration

DIY Office Christmas Decoration

Office Christmas Decoration Ideas: Our Top 10 It’s coming up to that time of year where we dust off the office christmas decoration boxes that have been in storage. It’s often difficult to make a workplace festive without blowing a budget that many of us don’t have. We’ve compiled a list of the top 10 DIY office Christmas decorations. Not only are they low cost to keep your boss happy but they are also easy! 1. Fridge Snowmen Got white fridges at work? This is one of the cutest and easiest ways to make any canteen area feel festive. To… Read more

Guide to Mail & Parcel Box Range

Guide to Mail and Parcel Box Range

Parcel Box Range The cold, wet and miserable weather is well and truly upon us here in the UK. There’s only one real highlight to such weather; it means Christmas is near! There is one major flaw; parcels. It’s the busiest time of the year for mail services due to so many of us are ordering presents to be delivered. Receiving parcels isn’t ideal for those of us who work long days, even in the Summer. This problem only magnifies during Winter when the weather leaves our parcels soggy and dirty. What’s the best way to solve this problem I… Read more