Office Furniture: Preventing Back Problems

Office Furniture: Preventing Back Problems

One in every five staff absences is related to back pain, providing employees with the correct office furniture can prevent or help back pain and reduce back related absences.

There are so many products now on the market to help employers improve posture and the welfare of employees. Not only do back problems affect attendance to work but back issues can also affect concentration, mood and sleep.

Correct Workstation Setup

Ensuring your workstation is correctly set up is a good place to start, to help prevent or reduce back pain. There are 6 key measurements that can be done to ensure an optimal set up of a workstation.

  1. Elbow Measure – Rest your elbows on the work surface, checking that they are at a 90-degree angle. If they are not at 90 degrees adjust your chair, up or down, to suit.
  2. Thigh Measure – Ensure you can slide your fingers under your thigh and the edge of your office chair. If not, your chair may require the height adjusting to suit.
  3. Calf Measure – Sat fully back in your chair, try to press a fist between your calf and the front of the office chair. If the gap is too small or wide, adjust the back of the chairs forward or backwards, a lumbar support may also be required.
  4. Lower Back Support – There should be an arch in the back of your chair to push your lower back forward slightly, this can help to reduce slumping.
  5. Resting Eye Level – Close your eyes while facing your screen, slowly open your eyes, your eye line should be facing the centre of the screen.
  6. Armrest – The armrest should be adjusted to raise your arms slightly at the shoulders, to take some pressure of your upper spine.

Height Adjustable Desks

Two-thirds of office workers sit at their desks for more than 6 hours a day, however using height adjustable desks can help improve this. Offering a more active option while working at your screen to reduce stress and strains on your back. A height adjustable desk can;

  1. Improve your mood and energy levels
  2. Reduce back pain
  3. Lower risk of heart disease
  4. Lower blood sugar levels
  5. Boosts productivity.

Office Chairs

Sitting at a desk for 6 or more hours can cause stress and strain on back, neck and shoulders. Having the correct office chair, specifically ergonomic chairs can significantly help the strains on your back. The correct office chair;

  1. Supports posture
  2. Has a higher level of comfort
  3. Reduces risk of neck problems
  4. Reduces risk of back pain
  5. Reduced pressure of hips
  6. Extra features allow for easier working.

By considering all the above techniques and products, employers are able to offer their employees the most comfortable and effective working environment. While this can prevent or improve existing back problems, it can also improve mood and energy of staff.

See our range of related office furniture to create the most effective workstation. Helping to reduce stress and strains on your back, reducing back related pains.

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